The fast numerical analysis method is applied to simulate the responses of the vehicle-track cupling system, and the numerical experiment method is used to study the numerical stability of integration, the modal convergency of rail and the effective calculated length of rail. 文章介绍了垂向耦合动力学的快速数值分析方法,并应用数值试验方法研究了数值积分稳定性、钢轨模态收敛性及轨道有效计算长度。
Finally, it gives, by curves obtained by numerical calculation, the relations between SNR of modal noise and the degree of transversal misalignment, degree of incoherence and fiber length before joint, And the results agree qualitatively with that obtained by experiments. 最后,应用数值计算得到模式噪声信噪比与接头横向错位程度、相干性消失度、接头前光纤长度等关系曲线,结果与实验定性相符。
Proposed the conception of effective width based exact modal propagation analysis ( MPA) and modified position of input ( output) wave-guides and length of multi-mode interference region. Scaned all kinds of structure parameters of 1 × 4? 基于精确模式传输分析方法(MPA),提出等效宽度的概念,在此基础上重新修正了自成像理论中有关多模干涉(MMI)功分器的输入(出)波导位置和干涉区长度。
The results show that the modal perturbations of long length scale have been detected under different distortions. 结果表明:有畸变工况下,出现大尺度扰动型的失速先兆。
The modal and harmonic of sample are analyzed by the ANSYS software, the natural frequency of sample and the natural frequency change along the crack length when crack extends are calculated. 3. 利用有限元分析软件对试件的模态和谐响应进行分析,计算试件本身的固有频率并得出裂纹扩展时固有频率随裂纹长度的变化规律。